Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Plants Vs Zombies New Edition

Unknown   at  11:02 AM  No comments

Plants, Zombies and gameplay

The Adventure mode of Plants VS Zombies is divided into different places outside your home, hours of the day and weather. First, you will have to face a zombie horde in your front yard. This is just a plain yard where the zombies will go in to try to enter your house. Then, you will have to stop them in your backyard. Here you have a swimming pool, but this is not obstacles for your enemies, on the contrary, they will use them for sending zombies in rubber ring, underwater zombies or even dolphin zombies. However, you will have powerful plants to stop them, as for instance Cattails, which can shoot in any lane, but before planting water plants, you have to plant a Lily Pad.

Finally, you will have to face zombies on your roof (how have they managed to get there?). The main drawback of this stage is that you must place a Flower Pot before you place the plant. Of course, this supposes spending more sun and taking more time to complete the lanes. Al this stages can be played by day (the easiest ones), by night, with special night plants such as Puff-shroom and Sun-shroom, and by night with different thicknesses of fog. The fog hampers you to see from which lane zombies are coming or which kind of zombie they are. You will have a Plantern to make the fog disappear, but it has a long recharging time and it also occupies a place that an attacking plant could take.

Regarding plants, the most important plants in Plants VS Zombies is the Sunflower; they provide you with the necessary suns to get the rest of the plants. Suns also come from the sky, but they are not enough to create your plants’ army. Then, you will have fighting plants that will hurt zombies in different ways, for example, by shooting peas with the PeaShooter, or corn and butter with the Kernel-Pult.

Another class is the Stopping Plants. They will weaken and slow down zombies while attacking plants defeat them. The main one is the Wall-Nuts, which you place in a lane and the zombies eat it very slowly. Also, you will have the Tall-Nuts, larger but more expensive ones, or the Pumpkin, which you place on a plant and it protects the plant until it is eaten.
You will also have "Just-in-case" plants, mainly explosive ones that serve to quickly finish with an enemy in case the rest of your plants fail. Usually, they are expensive and the time they take to recharge is long. The more zombies they are able to defeat, the more useful they are. For instance, you will have the Cherry Bomb, which explodes all zombies around, the Jalapeno explodes an entire lane or the Squash, which smashes the zombies in front of it. All of them disappear once they are used.

Finally, there are special plants which do not harm zombies but which can help you in your battle. The Grave Buster eats the graves which appear in your yard and from which zombies usually appear. The Magnet-shroom removes metal items from zombies, such as helmets. The Blover removes the fog temporarily and the Marigold gives you money from time to time.

System requirements

The minimum system requirements to download and use Plants VS Zombies are listed below:
Operating System: Windows XP or later
Processor: @ 1.2 GHz
RAM Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics Card: 128 RAM 16Bit or 32Bit
Sound Card: compatible with DirectX 8 or later
Hard Drive Space: more than 65 MB of free space available

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